Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Yurt

So for MLK day $ethboi and I decided we wanted to do something adventurous. Now who doesn't love eating Cafe Rio and watching Friends on their coach on the weekends? But we thought outside of the box and invited my brother, Nate to come camping with us... not in a tent but a Yurt! Paige and Caleb were suppose to come with, but at the last minute they couldn't... NEXT TIME BARTONS! 
I highly recommend going to a Yurt! Only 60$ a night and a good old time.

We ate tinfoil dinners, stayed up late, walked on a frozen lake, $ethboi downed a 1 lb. stuffed burger and fries worthy to get his name on the restaurant's wall, and had a blast in Morgan, Utah. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015


12.20.14 is my by far my most favorite day on planet Earth. 
I met Seth on 03.01.2014. We said we loved each other on 05.31.14 and he asked me to marry him on 08.09.14. 
But 12.20.14. is the day we started forever. 
Lindsey Orton is amazing! 

The best day ever! So thankful for all the many amazing family and friends that we have that made this day so wonderful.