Tuesday, June 30, 2015


So... $ethboi and I went to our nation's most sensational park, Yellowstone! I went when my 22 year old sister was in the womb so that was a while ago and all I remember was that my older brother threw rocks at me. We went with our favorite people, Annie and Bryant and had a blast. 

Okay being in the great outdoors is a great time for self reflection so this is what I discovered about myself while becoming one with nature

1). I don't like nature... well at least not for more than 4 hours at a time
2). I want to stab my husband in his sleep when we have to use a queen size blow up mattress
3). I don't do well without 4 days of wifi
4). No matter where I am... I am not a functional human being without Dr Pepper and will pay $4 a bottle to have it
5). Camping is fun.... in theory
6). Annie and Bryant are cooler than Seth and I
7). Yellowstone is like a preview of Mars
8). Life is more fun when you are in a tie die shirt you bought off a kid in the streets of Chile

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Ready... Set.... Life Catch Up

So over the past three months.... We've gone to California. Seth got a new job for an awesome company. I finished college and my first year of teaching Jr. High. I got hired to teach at my same school. Seth walked in May (he graduated in Dec.) We've gone on lots of hikes. Seth has gotten me obsessed with 24. Kari got married. And my Huz gets better each day.

Saturday, March 7, 2015


So $ethboi surprised me yesterday by arriving home at 5:15! I had just walked in the door, ready to turn on The Bachelor while I waited to start dinner and wait for him to get home at 7... but he came home and made my life. He also suggested that we go to the Amish Market in Provo. We are big fans! We bought what all healthy people buy; Birch Root Beer, Triple Berry Jam, Hickory Smoked Beef Jerky and Amish Cheese.
I don't always wear Amish hats but when I do $ethboi takes pictures of me.

So after our rare week day before dark adventure, I made English scones and we watched The Bachelor.

Saturday, February 28, 2015

Friday Night

Since getting a new two syllable last name, Friday nights have evolved...for the better.

 Before I met $ethboi my Friday nights were either getting dolled up to go on a date with some boy (loser) or getting dolled up to go out with my friends. It was something I usually stressed out about all week... the question of 'what am I going do on Friday night?' In college all I ever really wanted to do was get into my target $8 black leggings (best article of clothing ever invented), order pizza hut, and watch Pretty Little Liars until I fell asleep in-front of the TV. Instead I would spend my Friday nights on a first date at Station 22, Dollar Movies, Tragalfa, or at Cafe Rio and the Mall with my friends...counting down the minutes until leggings time.

My love  for Friday night has now been restored. I don't have to get dolled up. I put down the piles of papers I need to grade. I put my phone on airplane mode. I order some pizza, and wait till my $ethboi gets home so we can go for a Sodalicious run or watch Arrested Development. 

I love Friday night
Sodalicious Run 

Sunday, February 22, 2015


So this second month of the year is almost over.... How is that even possible?! Any who this month has been a fun but busy one. 

So basketball is over and I couldn't be more proud of my girls! They have accomplished the best record Springville has achieved in 12 years. I love these crazy ladies! I'll miss laughing and acting like a 5 year old with the coolest 15 year olds around! It has been an amazing growing experience and made my time at SJHS even more amazing! 

Since I was having basketball withdrawals I dragged Seth to a Jazz game... We went with the Beans so basically Brooke and I talked about our teacher woes, The Bachelor, and our mothers while the boys talked about guns... It was a blast... We love the crazy Beans! 

Then for Presidents Weekend Haley flew into town... Lady time!!! Having 4 out of the 5 Brennan sibs in one town at once means party time! I love my crazy siblings and how we have evolved from brother and sister and now are best friends. 

We did it all
Tea time
Laser tag
Star Wars marathon 
Hike the Y 
Stay up till two watching One Tree Hill
Trampoline Gym
Thai food
Sodalicous every 12 hours 

Tea time at the Grand America is always a good time with Paige and Haley 

Lazer Tag with my favorites 

Climbing the Y on Valentine's 

This boy makes me crazier each day... Poor Haley was ready to leave after all the shenanigans we put her through

Los Hermanos for the win! 

February you've been great! Only one complaint... Where is the freaking snow!? 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

The Yurt

So for MLK day $ethboi and I decided we wanted to do something adventurous. Now who doesn't love eating Cafe Rio and watching Friends on their coach on the weekends? But we thought outside of the box and invited my brother, Nate to come camping with us... not in a tent but a Yurt! Paige and Caleb were suppose to come with, but at the last minute they couldn't... NEXT TIME BARTONS! 
I highly recommend going to a Yurt! Only 60$ a night and a good old time.

We ate tinfoil dinners, stayed up late, walked on a frozen lake, $ethboi downed a 1 lb. stuffed burger and fries worthy to get his name on the restaurant's wall, and had a blast in Morgan, Utah. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015


12.20.14 is my by far my most favorite day on planet Earth. 
I met Seth on 03.01.2014. We said we loved each other on 05.31.14 and he asked me to marry him on 08.09.14. 
But 12.20.14. is the day we started forever. 
Lindsey Orton is amazing! 

The best day ever! So thankful for all the many amazing family and friends that we have that made this day so wonderful.